透過色彩、線條、筆觸以及造型的交互堆疊融合,藝術家為作品塑造出一獨有場域,於此特定的時間與空間中,探詢心靈所向,闡述自我心境。如王公澤《大象視界21-23》、王辰男《無題(欄杆)》、末生學《人的樣子》、林玉瑩《心 – 重生》、張友鷦《小島》、張菀玲《 GOODAY 》、連瑞芬《創作絮語》、陳美珍《傳說》、麥凱程《你我間隔著霧氣》、詹玉美《慈母菩薩》、蔡佳玲《自畫像 - 啞口無言》、蔡瑛瑾《我不要確診啦!》等藝術家在本次參展的作品中,傳達對於創作或生活的充沛情感,亦或是經歷某種人生體會後的內在力量。
另一方面,有些藝術家則以化用、轉換既定主題或材料的作法出發,探索原有框架之外的可能性,嘗試挖掘虛實之間、物件與人類的投射理解之間、意識與情感間的多元。像是吳聯吟《內視鏡》 、林君達《形變》 、侯思齊《電視牆 - 魚骨型》、洪郁雯《靜在煮》、胡小霓《情詩三百首》、廖芷姍《浴室》、歐陽葳璨《蘇眉魚》等,藉由作品的帶出,改變觀者原先的觀看方式與思考脈絡。
王公澤、王辰男、末生學 、林玉瑩、張友鷦、 張菀玲 、連瑞芬、陳美珍、麥凱程、詹玉美、蔡佳玲、蔡瑛瑾、吳聯吟、林君達 、侯思齊、洪郁雯、胡小霓、廖芷姍、歐陽葳璨
2021 TAIWAN ANNUAL continues the transformation energy of 2020, without categorizing genres of artworks and exhibition areas, artists can employ forms and spaces more diversely to address their creativity and generate communication between the artworks as well as the audiences. Concurrently, by converging the professionals from across art industries as a jury, including from the artisits, curators, art critics, scholars, press, collectors, technicians to the art institutions or museums, and galleries, the nominees of the Jury Prize will have the ANNUAL Convo with the professionals to communicate face-to face and to discuss the thinking behind their creations. Moreover, the winner of the Jury Prize will be provided with an exhibition opportunity at the FreeS Art Space in 2022 to facilitate the artists’ future artistic practices.
WANG Gon-Jer, WANG Chen-Nan, Mosnxue, LIN Yu-Ying, CHANG Jorinde, CHANG Wan-Ling, LIEN Jui-Fen, CHEN Mei-Chen, MAK Hoi-Ching, JAN Yu-Mei, TSAI Christina, TSAI Ying-Jin, WU Lien-Yin, LIN Chun-Ta, HOU Su-Chi, HUNG Yu-Wen, HU Hsaio-Ni, LIAO Zhi-Shan, OU YANG, Wei-Tsan