對於社會體制/社會生活的省思與闡述,人類與身處城市的矛盾與衝擊,或是賦予既定事物/印象更多的可能性及觀點,往往是藝術家關注的重點之一。如本次參展的吳梓和《Happy Together 02》、李品誼《公館的一家人》、時光林《20210302》、陳英樺《靜寂無聲的消逝》、陳鈺婷《星星橋墩》、陳薇《Two Horse Ass》、黃元煜《違合城市》 、蔡詠宇《亻厓毋會吂?》等,藉由作品點出其欲處理的主要議題,刺激觀者進一步擴散自身的思考及視野。
創作亦可能是藝術家嘗試摸索兩個領域之間的邊界/交錯融合,觀察蒐集人與人、人與物件的互動隨著時間發展變化的過程,或是媒材混搭使用的階段性成果。呂迦諾《意識風景—《遊園篇》》、李佩芬《台北 101-20180906~20200906: 第二章》、阮柏遠《材質、窗型冷氣機貼圖、鐵皮紋理》、戴伶育《我與它》、郭佩雯《胃的使用紀錄》、郭佳蓁《野性覺知》、彭韋《對稱》、劉鑑青《無題》、戴佳茹《靈光18-1》、鍾佩蓉《撿到寶》等作品中,可看出藝術家各自將其作品蘊含的主題進行廣闊的探尋,發展創作之前、創作之中、創作之後的多層面向。
2021 TAIWAN ANNUAL continues the transformation energy of 2020, without categorizing genres of artworks and exhibition areas, artists can employ forms and spaces more diversely to address their creativity and generate communication between the artworks as well as the audiences. Concurrently, by converging the professionals from across art industries as a jury, including from the artisits, curators, art critics, scholars, press, collectors, technicians to the art institutions or museums, and galleries, the nominees of the Jury Prize will have the ANNUAL Convo with the professionals to communicate face-to face and to discuss the thinking behind their creations. Moreover, the winner of the Jury Prize will be provided with an exhibition opportunity at the FreeS Art Space in 2022 to facilitate the artists’ future artistic practices.
NG Tsz-Wo, LEE Pin-Yi, Time Lin, CHEN Ying-Hua, CHEN Yu-Ting, CHEN Wei, HUANG Yuan-Yu, TSAI Yung-Yu, LU Chia-Nuoh, LEE Pei-Fen, JUAN Po-Yuan, TAI Ling-Yu, KUO Pei-Wen, KUO Chia-Chen, PENG Wei, LIU Chien-Chin, TAI Carol, CHUNG Pei-Jung