作為普遍被使用的一種方法:像是、彷彿、宛如,或是象徵、替代、指稱,前者以直觀或相對清晰的人事物為媒介,詮釋另一欲討論的人事物或議題,後者以較為隱性與間接的元素為中間點,跳接式的連結兩端核心,進而帶出欲傳達的觀點/現象/情緒。在藝術創作中,結合此手法的創作並不少見,如參展的丘智偉《UTOPIA Crates and Light Boxes》、江瓴安《最初》、林幸珍《健康快樂》、張文菁《熔岩》、張景祥《漫遊島》、陳香伶《流連》、游佳臻《片片》、黃美珍《巨靈獸》、熊妤《春天來了!!》、劉亭蘭《女性系列 — 自我》、羯梵《祕寶嚴香》、戴嫻真《黃金花瓶上的玫瑰》等作品,或具體傳達,或隱喻點題,揭露藝術家賦予創作的某種意涵。
其他衍伸性的討論,則藉由更批判的角度出發,或主觀、或客觀的呈現具諷刺意味的主題。本次參展的王言然《The Tank for IKEA Shark》、林振宏《薄紗朦朧是美麗的錯誤》、徐千雯《荒謬的復健人生》、陳楷仁《我們的雙腳站在這裡 03》、黃品瑄《融合的距離》、謝憫震《論述先於作品》等作品,藝術家以創作為媒介,推動觀者延續創作中的思考及叩問,產出屬於自己的思考,甚至被激發出對主題更多不同的見解。
丘智偉、江瓴安、林幸珍、張文菁、張景祥、陳香伶、游佳臻、黃美珍、 熊妤、劉亭蘭、羯梵、戴嫻真、王言然、林振宏、徐千雯、陳楷仁、黃品瑄、謝憫震
2021 TAIWAN ANNUAL continues the transformation energy of 2020, without categorizing genres of artworks and exhibition areas, artists can employ forms and spaces more diversely to address their creativity and generate communication between the artworks as well as the audiences. Concurrently, by converging the professionals from across art industries as a jury, including from the artisits, curators, art critics, scholars, press, collectors, technicians to the art institutions or museums, and galleries, the nominees of the Jury Prize will have the ANNUAL Convo with the professionals to communicate face-to face and to discuss the thinking behind their creations. Moreover, the winner of the Jury Prize will be provided with an exhibition opportunity at the FreeS Art Space in 2022 to facilitate the artists’ future artistic practices.
CHIU Chih-Wei, JIANG Ling-An, LIN Hsin-Chen, CHANG Wen-Ching, CHANG Sean, CHEN Hsiang-Ling, YOU Chia-Chen, HUANG Mei-Chen, HSIUNG Yu, LIU Ting-Lan, Jie Van, DAI Shian-Jen, WANG Yen-Ran, LIN Chen-Hung, HSU Chien-Wen, CHEN Kai-Ren, HUANG Pin-Hsuan, HSIEH Min-Cheng