所謂關係可說為一種詮釋,藉以表達產生某種連結的彼此,而連結的不同將進一步發展出各式各樣的關係,沒有固定的規則或脈絡。若提到自然中物與物的關係、自然與人的關係、時間空間與人的關係,在王佳彬《歌頌春天》、李佳《代謝》、邱琦《共振效應》、洪聖雄《再見》、陳益村《拓荒者.身體的記憶》、陳歡《千年之愛》、黃彥鈞《盆中山林-灰的猖狂與綠的悲歌》、鄭文豪《漫遊者: 空白的語句》、鍾謦瑄《內在風景》等作品中可看見藝術家試圖探究,而不論是何種方式、何種角度,皆意在表現關係的多元性。
此次參展的部分作品更深入討論關係中端點之間的交互作用,像是吳瓊華《女性系列 –禁錮的青春-2》、林帆偉《朝聖者–朝五晚九》、林盈君《人情味》、林勝正《淡水街頭藝人》,或是洪宇蕎《我數著飛行的日子》、張小薇《界入者》、許璧翎《炫線》、陳品汎《夕陽落下後》、黃立穎《NB-07》、鄭雅璇《聲音考古》等,不論端點連結的雙方/甚至多方是真實或虛構的,是有機或無機物,皆透過創作呈現關係中不同面向的交互流動,及其衍伸出的情緒感受。
王佳彬、李佳、邱琦(邱美玉)、洪聖雄、陳益村、陳歡、黃彥鈞、鄭文豪、鍾謦瑄、吳瓊華、林帆偉、林盈君、 林勝正、洪宇蕎、張小薇、許璧翎、陳品汎、黃立穎、鄭雅璇
2021 TAIWAN ANNUAL continues the transformation energy of 2020, without categorizing genres of artworks and exhibition areas, artists can employ forms and spaces more diversely to address their creativity and generate communication between the artworks as well as the audiences. Concurrently, by converging the professionals from across art industries as a jury, including from the artisits, curators, art critics, scholars, press, collectors, technicians to the art institutions or museums, and galleries, the nominees of the Jury Prize will have the ANNUAL Convo with the professionals to communicate face-to face and to discuss the thinking behind their creations. Moreover, the winner of the Jury Prize will be provided with an exhibition opportunity at the FreeS Art Space in 2022 to facilitate the artists’ future artistic practices.
WANG Jar-Ben, LEE Chia, CHIOU Chi, HUNG Sheng-Hsiung, CHEN Ven, CHEN Huan, HUANG Yan-Jun, ZHENG Wen-Hao, CHUNG Ching-Hsuan, WU Chiung-Hua, LIN Fan-Wei, LIN Ying-Chun, LIN Sheng-Jeng, HUNG Yu-Chiau, CHANG Hsiao-Wei, HSU Pi-Ling, CHEN Pin-Fan, HUANG Li-Ying, CHENG Ya-Hsuan