而藝術家如何在塑造某種情境或氛圍的同時,明確展現自身的觀點,強化觀者對其產生的感受,甚至是引發後續更多的思考,亦為另一種在創作時可能嘗試的方向。像是余永明《“慵懶悠閒” 我始終相信 人性的美好………》、吳心荷《戲偶》、徐莘《當病毒在密封中死去》、黃德馨《一見傾心》、楊子逸《Survival Game》、穀米機工《等待飛機的聲音》、戴欣妤《指果》等,透過觀者與作品間的交流互動,產生更多想像的可能。
2021 TAIWAN ANNUAL continues the transformation energy of 2020, without categorizing genres of artworks and exhibition areas, artists can employ forms and spaces more diversely to address their creativity and generate communication between the artworks as well as the audiences. Concurrently, by converging the professionals from across art industries as a jury, including from the artisits, curators, art critics, scholars, press, collectors, technicians to the art institutions or museums, and galleries, the nominees of the Jury Prize will have the ANNUAL Convo with the professionals to communicate face-to face and to discuss the thinking behind their creations. Moreover, the winner of the Jury Prize will be provided with an exhibition opportunity at the FreeS Art Space in 2022 to facilitate the artists’ future artistic practices.
Daniel Arroyo, YU Mitchell(Sha x 2), WU Hsin-Ho, LI Yi-Ting, KIM Hyun-Jin, SHYU Hsin, Juei, KAO Erh-Hsin, KAO Shi-Lin, GUO Yi-Hua, PENG Hui-Jung, TSENG Shih-Yung, HUANG Yen-Hsun, HUANG Der-Shing, YANG Tzu-Yi, YANG Mei-E, Okome Studio, TAI Hsin-Yu