做伙來𨑨迌 樂園連動計畫
做伙來講故事講座 :李秉樺、楊曜瑋、管巧凌、李信慧
「窯」表示燒製瓦器的地方,本義:燒磚瓦陶瓷器的灶,我們取其燒製含義,在此處作為醞釀和創造的過程,希望創作者以及觀眾在經歷此地的淬煉後能以嶄新的姿態離開。「座」在詞語解釋上有「托底」之意,為器物的基礎部分,我們希望能成為創作者的基底,成為支撐的那一方。 窄巷內,黃色外觀,公寓門前還有著像鳥居的建築標的 窯座位於一棟1962年完工的步登公寓,三層六戶半,窯座這戶原已荒廢五年,目前替代空間執行中,聚落集散中,祭典籌備中。想要辦有趣的展覽,讓台中較為弱勢的藝術環境也能百花齊放,利用台中圈子較為小眾的氣質轉化成為一個讓藝術家不受限的搖籃。 想法很簡單,就是當一個底座,給創作者展示自己的意念、支撐他們的信仰。
Shin Leh Yuan Art Space
Come and play with us Playground Connectivity Project
Project Leader: CHANG Ya-Ping
Artists: DUAN Mu, LU Wei, PAN Yu-Hsiu, CHANG Wei-Wen, LI Wu, CHEN Kuan-Hao, KUO Hui-Chan
Art Curriculum Experiment: LI Wu, CHANG Wei-Wen, CHANG Ya-Ping, YANG Ching-Yao
Art and Community Discussion: Taogokan, Glimmer Life Design Studio, Suki Lane
Come With Us Storytelling Seminar: LI Ping-Hua, YANG Yao-Wei, KUAN Chiao-Ling, LI Hsin-Hui
Shin Leh Yuan (Which Means New Paradise) Art Space Is An Artist’s Collective-Operative Gallery. Established In 1995, It’s Now On The twenty-six Year. Members’ Change Takes Place Every Two Years. In This Way, We Try To Input New Experience And Experiment To Both The Creation Of Artwork And The Operation Of The Art Space. The Core Idea Of Running This Space Is To Make It As A Container, To Infuse Or To Diffuse, To Let Things Happen Flowingly And Flexibly. We Hold Exhibitions Every Month, Along With Artist Slide Shows And Various Art Talks.
Yao Alternative Space
The hallway with doors
Artists: WU Hsuan-Han, WU Nai-Fei, WANG Hao-Yu, LU Wei-Chung, TSAI Han
“Yao” means kiln in Mandarin, it generally implies an oven for processing a substance by burning, firing, or drying. We take the meaning of firing as a process of brewing and creating. Hoping the artist and visitors can come to experience in Yao and leave as the brand new version of themselves. “Zuò” in Mandarin means base, the basic foundation of the artifact. We hope this space can serve as the creator’s foundation to support them. Yao alternative space is sitting in an old yellow apartment that was built in 1962, in a tiny ally with a torii(a traditional Japanese gate). As of now, Yao functions as an alternative space and a settlement that hopes to gather creators, and is in the process of creating an art festival. The core idea of Yao is very simple, it will become a “Zuo” that offers creators a place to showcase their works and supports their beliefs.