「新浜碼頭藝術空間」1997年成立於高雄市鹽埕區,歷年來致力於推動南臺灣藝文發展,倡導當代藝術創作、展覽、論述,塑造出「南方生猛」之藝術場域。並秉持著公共性參與的精神,推廣民眾藝術教育、鑑賞,培育專業藝文相關人才。 近幾年,則進一步以公民客廳為想像,積極建立與其他社群的連結關係,探尋陪伴的意義與可能,以及持續發展地方社區與藝術之關係,策畫相關展演、活動與出版等計畫,同時也推動藝術、文化、社會等跨領域之公民論壇,期望成為南臺灣「跨域活化」的中介平台。
Britto Arts Trust於2002年創立於孟加拉達卡,係由藝術家經營、觸及全球的非營利機構。常駐空間位於達卡格林路,但密集地在全國不同地點作業,盡力支持及提倡各種新想法。Britto Arts Trust也是世界知名藝術組織Triangle Network的成員之一。Britto的精神包含創新、貢獻、合作及使命,致力催化、支持及推廣嶄新觀點。Britto是穩定擴展的文化藝術空間,致力尋求並推廣孟加拉當代藝術界各類型跨領域實踐者、團體和網路,為專業藝術人士舉辦各類論壇,提供相互交流的平台。
Sin Pin Pier—Absolutely Art Space
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Sin Pin Pier—Absolutely Art Space, established in 1997 in Yancheng Distrist, Kaoshiung. Over the years, it is committed to promoting the development of art and culture in southern Taiwan, advocating contemporary art creation, exhibitions, and discourse, and shaping the artistic field of “Southern Vigorous.” Uphold the spirit of public participation, Sin Pin Pier promotes art education and appreciation, and cultivates professional art talents.
Britto Arts Trust is an artists’ run non-profit collective officially founded in 2002 in Dhaka, Bangladesh with a global reach. It is permanently spaced in Green Road, Dhaka but works extensively in different locations across the country. Britto Arts Trust is part of worldwide Triangle Network. The spirit of Britto lies in Innovation, Dedication, Collaboration, and Commitment. Britto works as catalyst for supporting and promoting new ideas.Britto seeds and promotes multiple interdisciplinary practitioners, groups and networks. It provides an International and local forum for the development of professional art practitioners, a place where they can meet, discuss, experiment and upgrade their abilities on their own terms.